noun as in cruelty
Strongest matches
Strong matches
Weak matches
noun as in savagery
Strongest matches
Strong matches
Weak matches
noun as in truculence
Strong matches
- animality
- barbarism
- barbarity
- bestiality
- bloodthirstiness
- brutality
- callousness
- coarseness
- coldness
- depravity
- despotism
- ferocity
- fierceness
- heartlessness
- inhumanity
- insensibility
- malice
- malignity
- masochism
- mercilessness
- murderousness
- persecution
- rancor
- ruthlessness
- sadism
- savageness
- savagery
- severity
- spite
- spitefulness
- torture
- truculency
- unfeelingness
- unkindness
- venom
- viciousness
- wickedness
Weak matches
noun as in truculency
Strong matches
- animality
- barbarism
- barbarity
- bestiality
- bloodthirstiness
- brutality
- callousness
- coarseness
- coldness
- depravity
- despotism
- ferocity
- fierceness
- heartlessness
- inhumanity
- insensibility
- malice
- malignity
- masochism
- mercilessness
- murderousness
- persecution
- rancor
- ruthlessness
- sadism
- savageness
- savagery
- severity
- spite
- spitefulness
- torture
- truculence
- unfeelingness
- unkindness
- venom
- viciousness
- wickedness
Weak matches
Example Sentences
This insensitiveness is easily communicated to the curious visitor.
This insensitiveness to January blasts and February drenchings may be one of the compensations that the blind enjoy.
In connection with Salvator's want of sense for colour one should take his insensitiveness to other beauty.
Repeated stimulation induces fatigue, and temporary insensitiveness of the organ.
“Mademoiselle Sophie” gained none of her courage from insensitiveness.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.