adjective as in impossible
Strongest matches
Strong match
adjective as in unattainable
Strongest matches
adjective as in unrealizable
Weak matches
- absurd
- beyond
- contrary to reason
- cureless
- futile
- hardly possible
- hopeless
- hundred-to-one
- impassable
- impervious
- impracticable
- impractical
- inaccessible
- inconceivable
- infeasible
- insurmountable
- irrealizable
- irreparable
- no-go
- no-win
- not a prayer
- out of the question
- preposterous
- too much
- unachievable
- unattainable
- uncorrectable
- unfeasible
- unimaginable
- unobtainable
- unreasonable
- unrecoverable
- unthinkable
- unworkable
- useless
- visionary
- way-out
adjective as in unworkable
Weak matches
- beyond
- contrary to reason
- cureless
- hardly possible
- hopeless
- hundred-to-one
- impervious
- impracticable
- inaccessible
- inconceivable
- infeasible
- insurmountable
- irrealizable
- irreparable
- no-go
- no-win
- not a prayer
- out of the question
- preposterous
- too much
- unachievable
- uncorrectable
- unfeasible
- unimaginable
- unobtainable
- unrealizable
- unrecoverable
- visionary
- way-out
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Example Sentences
Poor man, friends say he has an incurable Hanover Ministry, a Program that is inexecutable.
From Project Gutenberg
Oliver Cromwell's body hung on the Tyburn gallows, the type of Puritanism found futile, inexecutable, execrable.
From Project Gutenberg
Better to adopt that Constitution of theirs; execute it so as to shew all men that it is inexecutable?
From Project Gutenberg
Inexecutable, in-ek-se-kūt′a-bl, adj. incapable of being executed.
From Project Gutenberg
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.