adjective as in ideal
adjective as in perfect
Strong matches
adjective as in unflawed
Weak matches
- A-OK
- absolute
- accomplished
- aces
- adept
- beyond compare
- blameless
- classical
- consummate
- crowning
- culminating
- defectless
- excellent
- excelling
- experienced
- expert
- faultless
- finished
- flawless
- foolproof
- ideal
- immaculate
- impeccable
- matchless
- out-of-this-world
- paradisiac
- paradisiacal
- peerless
- pure
- skilled
- skillful
- sound
- splendid
- spotless
- stainless
- sublime
- superb
- supreme
- ten
- unblemished
- unequaled
- unmarred
- untainted
- untarnished
- utopian
Example Sentences
The mechanism of the United States, like that of the universe, reposes on indefectible laws and uncontrollable forces.
Under these varying 226 modes and presentations it permanently abides as the indefectible substance of the spirit.
The church is therefore, by her own divine constitution, by the very principle and law of her existence, indefectible.
Indefectible, in-de-fekt′i-bl, adj. incapable of defect: unfailing.
And since at no time must it cease to teach, it must be indefectible.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.