in the clear
adjective as in blameless
adjective as in innocent
Strongest matches
adjective as in lily-white
Weak matches
- above suspicion
- angelic
- angelical
- chaste
- clean
- cleanhanded
- clear
- crimeless
- exemplary
- faultless
- free of
- good
- guilt-free
- guiltless
- harmless
- honest
- immaculate
- impeccable
- impeccant
- inculpable
- irreproachable
- lawful
- legal
- legitimate
- licit
- not guilty
- pristine
- pure
- pure as the driven snow
- righteous
- safe
- sinless
- spotless
- stainless
- unblamable
- unblemished
- uncensurable
- uncorrupt
- uncorrupted
- undefiled
- unimpeachable
- uninvolved
- unoffending
- unstained
- unsullied
- untainted
- upright
- virginal
- virtuous
adjective as in unblamable
Weak matches
- above suspicion
- angelic
- blameless
- chaste
- clean
- cleanhanded
- clear
- crimeless
- exemplary
- faultless
- free of
- good
- guilt-free
- guiltless
- harmless
- honest
- immaculate
- impeccable
- impeccant
- inculpable
- irreproachable
- lawful
- legal
- legitimate
- licit
- lily-white
- not guilty
- pristine
- pure
- righteous
- safe
- sinless
- spotless
- stainless
- unblemished
- uncensurable
- uncorrupt
- unimpeachable
- uninvolved
- unoffending
- unsullied
- untainted
- upright
- virginal
- virtuous
adjective as in uncorrupted
Weak matches
- above suspicion
- angelic
- angelical
- chaste
- clean
- cleanhanded
- clear
- crimeless
- exemplary
- faultless
- free of
- good
- guilt-free
- guiltless
- honest
- immaculate
- impeccable
- impeccant
- inculpable
- irreproachable
- lawful
- legal
- legitimate
- licit
- lily-white
- not guilty
- pristine
- pure
- pure as the driven snow
- righteous
- safe
- sinless
- spotless
- stainless
- unblemished
- uncensurable
- uncorrupt
- undefiled
- unimpeachable
- uninvolved
- unoffending
- unstained
- unsullied
- untainted
- upright
- virginal
- virtuous
adjective as in untainted
Weak matches
- above suspicion
- angelic
- angelical
- chaste
- clean
- cleanhanded
- clear
- crimeless
- exemplary
- faultless
- free of
- good
- guilt-free
- guiltless
- honest
- immaculate
- impeccable
- impeccant
- inculpable
- irreproachable
- lawful
- legal
- legitimate
- licit
- lily-white
- not guilty
- pure
- pure as the driven snow
- righteous
- safe
- sinless
- spotless
- stainless
- unblemished
- uncensurable
- uncorrupt
- uncorrupted
- undefiled
- unimpeachable
- uninvolved
- unoffending
- unstained
- upright
- virginal
- virtuous
adjective as in virginal
Weak matches
- above suspicion
- angelical
- cleanhanded
- crimeless
- exemplary
- faultless
- free of
- guilt-free
- guiltless
- honest
- immaculate
- impeccable
- impeccant
- inculpable
- irreproachable
- lawful
- legal
- legitimate
- licit
- lily-white
- not guilty
- pure
- pure as the driven snow
- righteous
- sinless
- spotless
- unblemished
- uncensurable
- uncorrupt
- uncorrupted
- undefiled
- unimpeachable
- uninvolved
- unoffending
- unstained
- unsullied
- untainted
- virtuous
adjective as in virtuous
Weak matches
- blameless
- celibate
- chaste
- clean-living
- effective
- effectual
- efficient
- excellent
- exemplary
- faithful
- guiltless
- high-principled
- incorruptible
- inculpable
- irreprehensible
- legit
- moral
- moralistic
- on the level
- on the up and up
- praiseworthy
- pure
- regular
- right-minded
- spotless
- straight
- true-blue
- unsullied
- untainted
- untarnished
- up front
- upright
- without reproach
- worthy
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.