Example Sentences
Not just the bees’ wings and bodies but also the structure of their hive.
A hatched queen might wander around the hive tooting for several days.
Bencsik and his team didn’t see this happening because they were tracking the bees from outside the hive.
The researchers pressed vibration detectors into the beeswax of one frame from each hive.
This happens when worker bees abandon their hive, eventually causing the hive to die.
The drones, as it were, had to rest at their stations, constantly maintaining the hive for the greater good.
When Ali Salameh arrived at Black September headquarters in Beirut, he found a hive of furious activity.
Since the mid-19th century, Sicily has been known as a hive of Mafioso activity.
This conservative, evangelical megachurch, just outside San Diego, is a hive of activity on a Sunday morning.
Burt called on his beekeeper pal, who scooped up the bees from the fencepost with his bare hands, and dumped them into a hive.
Hunis versified the whole book of Genesis, calling it a hive full of honey.
The hive bee, the most communal in habit, shows the highest traits of intelligent activity.
Within that time, a redness and swelling, like a hive or a bite, will appear at some of the scratches.
I felt so ornery and low down and mean that I says to myself, my mind's made up; I'll hive that money for them or bust.
We turned out from the penny-reading like bees from a hive, openly wondering what could have become of Mr. Lake.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.