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highly valued

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However, the embargo has also made Cuban players more highly valued than athletes from any other country.

Productive scholarship that would be highly valued at other institutions became instead a major liability.

There is also much appeal in returning to a time when books—the things themselves—were so highly valued.

Two more outside the Old City, the Mount of Olives and Silwan, are highly valued by the Israeli state.

Even as a child, she gathered from Mormonism that it was highly valued to have questions and take them to God directly.

Both the War pipe and Peace pipe are the most sacred and the most highly valued of all the various kinds.

The kindness will be duly appreciated, and more highly valued if offered in a delicate manner.

That day two years, a highly valued and excellent man whom I truly honoured, was drowned in the Ticino.

Ruggiero the elder was so highly valued by the Medici that the two dukes, Cosmo and Lorenzo, stood godfathers to his two sons.

The wood is tough and strong and highly valued for ships' spars as well as for building purposes.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


