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Gray areas made grayer invariably lead to overreach and abuse.

Would her ministrations to the military be taken differently if she was older, grayer and a little less shapely?

Meanwhile, the Democrats are grayer, seeing their average age climb from 58 to 60.2 4.

Next morning the air was cooler, the skies lower and grayer—the big city was close at hand.

She seemed suddenly taller and thinner and grayer and more defiant than any being he had ever beheld.

The Rev. Mr. Snow, grown thinner and grayer, and a great deal happier, is there with his wife and his two unmarried daughters.

Long shadows crept across the grass, the ancient church, ten centuries old, grew grayer in the failing light.

Greenish yellow above, brighter below; two white wing bars and white spots on outer tail feathers; female, duller and grayer.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


