noun as in effervescence
Example Sentences
On his popular series for the Bon Appétit Test Kitchen video channel, “It’s Alive,” host Brad Leone walks viewers through the process of making foods that involve fermentation or preservation, such as kimchi, pickled onions and kombucha.
Otherwise, fermentation could proceed too fast, which often leads to loaves without sufficient structure.
Yeast is then added to trigger fermentation, turning the sugars into alcohol.
Creo is turning to an extraction process that uses fermentation.
However, it’s only in the past 50 years that scientists have come to understand fermentation well enough to sustain it at scale.
There is also more nitrogen in his varieties, and this contributes to a quick restart of fermentation after each filtration.
He recently received federal funding to research PHA (polyhydroxyalkanoate), a bioplastic made through bacterial fermentation.
Often, the beer undergoes a secondary fermentation in the bottle, just like Champagne.
Spontaneous fermentation results in a sour quality with vinous notes.
During fermentation after about 15 percent alcohol, yeast starts producing histamines.
It is produced abundantly when vegetable matters are burnt, as also during respiration, fermentation, and many other processes.
Attention to this point is of great moment, and materially affects the fermentation.
I consider you are at present in a transition period; in a state of fermentation; and no one knows what you are capable of doing.
Here the fruit remained until a slight fermentation took place.
Wines during fermentation, if improperly managed, will produce acetic acid, which will greatly deteriorate their quality.
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