
View definitions for femininity


noun as in having qualities traditionally associated with women

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She argues that regulations that exclude DSD athletes will also hurt female runners who don’t conform to conventional ideals of femininity.

Every act of difference from society’s prescribed model of femininity had to be suppressed.

From Time

In other words, there was nothing about the initial introduction that would have indicated that it would become a game really strongly associated with femininity and with women within a few years.

From Time

To these women, the military symbolized the ideal versions of masculinity and femininity.

For women, in particular, there is this idea that femininity is tied to your hair.

From Ozy

One of the ways Fincher and his screenwriter Gillian Flynn accomplished this feat of “femininity” was to give Amy agency.

Bratis, who trained in Athens, creates pieces of “femininity and pure elegance without artifice.”

The Big Apple influenced the industry by introducing a more practical look combined with the existing femininity.

To men, long hair on a woman is a turn-on because it signifies fertility and clichéd ideas of femininity.

Once I was pregnant, I embraced my own femininity and settled into my role as decision maker and proprietor.

Comes of living alone and making a success of it, I suppose, getting ahead of mere femininity and all the pettinesses of life.

We have exquisite types of femininity in Tuscany, said the young man, with patriotic ardor.

Mayo stared after her, wrinkling his forehead for a moment, as if he had discovered some new vagary in femininity to puzzle him.

Her amazing fortitude at the time when he had looked for hysterics and collapse gave him new light on the enigma of femininity.

At six o'clock in fluttered Elizabeth, a vision of elegant femininity in her soft furs and plumes and trailing skirts.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


