

View definitions for sexuality


noun as in sexual drive or interest

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Ashley Brown, an assistant professor of Entertainment Arts and Engineering at the University of Utah, studies sexuality and games.

I think my generation is really curious about technology, about the different ways we can make money, about what a career means, what an identity means, what sexuality means.

Every individual has the right to embrace their sexuality, gender, and orientation.

This group frequently suggested that since equality has already been achieved in America, sexuality and gender identity should not be given special protection.

And, if your teen is facing serious hardship due to their identity, special counselors exist to assist those who struggle due to their unaccepted genders and sexualities.

Margot Canaday here at Princeton writes on sexuality and American politics.

A 64-year-old animal trainer, he makes the six-hour round-trip every two weeks to submit to her and explore his sexuality.

Female sexuality has long confounded researchers and eluded popular understanding.

What if healthy sexuality was the framework that young adults used to process every sexual message that they encounter?

He had married, and had an affair, while he was writing Lady Macbeth, and the opera was alive with sexuality.

Very frequently even in childhood sexuality gives rise to enduring imaginative sexual activity.

In certain families, the early awakening of sexuality is observed with remarkable frequency.

But equally erroneous is the opposite view, that the early awakening of sexuality is an indication of exceptional endowments.

We must, for these reasons, guard against the misconception that the early awakening of sexuality is per se pathological.

Before we go on to speak of the sexuality of the Cryptogams however, a few words may be devoted to that of the flowering plants.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


