adjective as in far
adjective as in faraway
Example Sentences
Inane and disturbing hashtags have been lobbed by those often far removed from the rocket fire.
“This is all we live for,” Tuff Hedeman was saying on the Astrodome floor, far removed from Willie and his friends.
That this all takes place in the West Wing makes the way these people are behaving seem far removed from us and our own impulses.
It's not far removed from what was happening on the West Coast of Africa in the 18th century.
I developed the show to what it is today, which is very far removed from the previous Japanorama clip.
One should be perfectly happy here—so peaceful, so beautiful, so far removed from the unrest and turmoil of the world.
The day shall come, that thy walls may be built up: in that day shall the law be far removed.
The possession of this city was doubtless of great importance to Don Pedro; but it was far removed from the capital.
Morgiana was dressed in a manner only possible to one who felt the vulgar eye far removed.
And once, on a seat on the Embankment, she yielded to a temptation never far removed from her.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.