Example Sentences
When I finally reach the “Falls” in the river, my first thought is that this cascade looks like a set of rapids — more churn than drop.
Evidence is piling up that as men do more of the caregiving, violence against women falls.
Despite general good intentions, however, even good physicians can deliver care that falls short.
This is where I think the argument against me falls off the cliff.
Jonathan Gruber, the economist who helped design Romneycare and the Affordable Care Act, falls on his sword before Congress.
As a result, the exhibit falls short of showing Mary as real woman, as a protagonist in her own life story.
Death comes in, the bread at the feast turns black, the hound falls down—and so on.
I suppose the hammer falls back more slowly from the string, and that makes the tone sing longer.
Indian battle at Turner's falls, on Connecticut river above Greenfield.
For down he falls into the raging waters below and is a lucky man if he is not dashed to pieces on the sharp rocks.
On him, and on him alone, falls the crushing onus of responsibility: to be a Corps Commander is child's play in that comparison.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.