Example Sentences
Could these young women wrapped in explosives be some of the 300 schoolgirls kidnapped by the group last April?
That same day a 13-year-old girl was arrested with explosives hidden under her hijab after walking into a medical clinic.
More likely he drove parallel to the border on the Syrian side before detonating the explosives.
Postol and Lloyd were skeptical; hexamine is a common precursor chemical for military-grade explosives.
Blown-out walls of homes left destroyed living rooms exposed to the street, and the smell of explosives hovered in the air.
The worst loss is that of Winston's ear; high principles won't obtain high explosives.
They are prepared to make allowances for lack of shell; lack of guns; lack of high explosives.
No more searchlights by night; no more big explosives flying from the Aegean into the Dardanelles!
The liability of a person who keeps explosives is not absolute, unless he is maintaining a nuisance.
I should send them the addresses of my friends who know how to make effective explosives.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.