verb as in improve, embellish
Example Sentences
The more concrete question concerns just how much uranium Iran enriches—to what degree of purity.
Above all, this is a book that enriches the reader, to an extent much belied by its slim appearance.
We also know that progress in the most impoverished parts of our world enriches us all.
This process enriches all the flavors, juices, vitamins, and minerals and allows the beef to keep perfectly for long periods.
In this circulation of so many treasures, she enriches herself with parts that she detaches from the whole.
He was rich, and gave up all for our sakes; it is no less than poverty on His part which enriches us.
It enriches the sound of the voice, and gives a finer quality to musical instruments.
You see country houses in all directions, and the appearance of here and there a sugar plantation enriches the scenery.
Every man that endeavored to tear the old flag from the heaven that it enriches was a Democrat.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.