adjective as in in old age
Example Sentences
A range of inoculations may be needed to protect different groups like the elderly, he said.
They are needed for nursing facilities for the elderly, and to take care of that growing elderly population.
This includes looking after children and the elderly at home.
We found that blood components from exercised mice, both adult and aged, can transfer memory and brain regeneration benefits to elderly “couch potato” mice.
For instance, elderly people may need a vaccine that prods the immune system harder to make antibodies, and children may need different vaccines than adults do.
“Officers had to go stop an elderly lady from being assaulted,” Sgt. Houston said.
There were little blond girls in knit hats next to elderly African American women hobbling on canes.
Elderly women played Triple Double Diamond and Tiki Magic while they chain-smoked.
Hundreds were beaten, scores injured, including elderly passers- by and foreign journalists.
Some were elderly with underlying conditions like hypertension and diabetes.
Elderly matrons—and in Turkey every lady is an elderly matron in her fortieth year—are passionately devoted to this enjoyment.
The admiration of numerous elderly ladies of single condition.
As they went up the walkway, the large front doors parted, and a handsome elderly woman came forth.
"I'm afraid not," replied the maid, a plain, elderly woman of the old-fashioned useful servant type.
On one side of her sat the elder Mrs. Colton, in black silk with a point-lace collar; a sweet-faced frankly elderly woman.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.