drawing up
Example Sentences
They set out their initial plan for drawing up statutes and arranged to meet again soon to help define just what they will do.
And the U.S. European Command headquarters has been drawing up its own contingency plans.
He says he spent hours drawing up proposals, getting investors, and talking to family business contacts.
He lay down near the snapping fire and, drawing up the blanket to keep the rain from his face, was sound asleep in a few minutes.
Wells must be very deep, and no simple and cheap machinery adequate to drawing up the water is yet invented.
So over and down into the silent city we went, drawing up pole and rope after us, hiding them in the shadows of the wall.
Then to my chamber drawing up writings, in expectation of my uncle Thomas corning.
So to Mr. Commander's in Warwicke Lane, to speak to him about drawing up my will, which he will meet me about in a day or two.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.