

View definitions for drag up

drag up

verb as in raise

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Actually, the average American spends no time at the gym, and the fitness freaks drag up the curve for the rest of us.

But Funns himself, overjoyed to behold them, waded towards them, and gave them his best help to drag up the boat again.

And there stood the two women, hauling at the little fjord seal, which they could not manage to drag up from the shore.

As they arrived near the pool, each deposited his burden, and then went back to assist to drag up the guns and carriages.

Darwin began to put down a grappling iron on the outer side of the reef and to drag up coral.

We were to drag up oceans of gold from the bottom of the sea; we were to supply all Europe with herrings upon our own terms.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


