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As the operations picked up pace and began to pay dividends, the NSA called in its most skilled cyber warriors.

Close attachment to autocratic regimes by the West pays short-term dividends but will antagonize generations of Muslims.

Most defense contractors prefer to pay their shareholders dividends rather than invest in research and development.

Saez focused on employment wages, capital gains, dividends and interest.

Talking about poverty, alas, doesn't pay many political dividends.

This expectation of high dividends, I need hardly say, has not been realised, and the Act in this respect has been a dead letter.

Dividends must be distributed among the stockholders without unjust discrimination.

In pledging stock it is a common practice to declare that the pledgee shall be entitled to the dividends that are declared.

Dividends that are declared after a grant or bequest, though earned before, go to the legatee as income.

Again, a somewhat different rule applies to stock dividends.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


