noun as in erasure
Strongest match
Strong matches
noun as in expunction
Strong matches
Weak matches
noun as in obliteration
Example Sentences
In 2011 LGBT media outlet Queerty took the app to task for allegedly deleting accounts that made reference to being trans.
There was something cathartic about deleting this 2,500-word monster of a farewell, and resolving to live.
Deleting this from my devices for a good long time, maybe forever.
But Champion made good on his threats, tweeting the name of the man then quickly deleting it.
She even lauded the “amazing hospitality” of Sheikh Khalifa and the “Kingdom of Bahrain” on Twitter (before deleting the tweets).
Certain dissenters have cut out the very soul of À Kempis in deleting the passages on the Holy Eucharist.
By deleting a hundred million hours we shorten Senator Borah's speeches against the League by 11,410 years.
Typographic errors have been repaired—for example, deleting superfluous letters, fixing omitted or incorrect punctuation.
Sir Edward Grey moved an amendment deleting from the bill the word male, thus leaving room for a women's suffrage amendment.
I also corrected White's translation of the Definition of Attribute by deleting the word "if."
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.