
View definitions for dehydrated


adjective as in anhydrous

adjective as in athirst

adjective as in dried

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adjective as in parched

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It drains your body of nutrients and vitamins, attacking the central nervous system and leaving you in a dehydrated, hazy state.

Dehydrated and feeling weary, Marino lay down beside another migrant under a tree and fell asleep.

And he was very weak and dehydrated and in terrible condition.

Others drink it as a tea made from dehydrated qat, packaged in powder form like instant coffee or locally popular milk tea.

Another issue is that alcohol is a diuretic and being dehydrated will certainly interfere with your speed and endurance.

I wondered why it was so crunchy until I discovered that there was a beetle inside all the dehydrated peas in the soup.

"Mashed dehydrated potatoes, canned meat and canned vegetables," Carr replied.

The tar must be previously dehydrated, and is preferably deprived of its more volatile portions by heating in a still.

To supply dehydrated vegetables meant the development of an industry.

The difficulty of supply was increased by the delicate process which is required to make dehydrated vegetables.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


