Example Sentences
I remember the 12-year-old version of myself, practicing my curtsy in case it ever turned out that I, too, was a long-lost royal like Mia Thermopolis, née Amelia Mignonette Grimaldi Thermopolis Renaldo, Princess of Genovia.
Like other online clothing resale businesses, Curtsy aims to address the needs of a younger generation of consumers who are looking for a more sustainable alternative when shopping for clothing.
"It's Stylites—bob yer curtsy," whispered Agnes in Connie's ear.
So, as she was about to pass me with a little curtsy and a pretty smile, I stopped her.
And then the lady went, sweeping a low curtsy to Mr. Dockwrath as she passed out of the room.
At a flash I had my whipping in a low dipped curtsy and a mocking smile like that she had flung to Falconnet.
In a moment she returned, dropped him a bit of curtsy, and informed him that her mistress would receive him.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.