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noun as in muscle spasm

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At Cavendish Laboratory Biophysics Unit at Cambridge, Watson met the intellectually unstoppable Crick, and in two years, the duo built the first sound model of DNA’s structure.

With “sinister manipulations,” Markel writes, Crick and Watson maneuvered to omit a formal citation of Franklin’s data in their 1953 Nature paper, spelling out their construction of the double-helix model.

In the 1980s Crick found a brilliant collaborator in the young scientist Christof Koch.

The neurons extend from a set of cells known as the claustrum, which Crick and Koch maintained could act as a seat of consciousness.

The Crick scientists told DeepMind that AlphaFold 2’s structures seemed plausible and encouraged the company to publish them.

From Fortune

You have, therefore, a constant crick in the neck, but this is nothing to the pain in your knees and thighs.

Crick also questioned the authenticity of another piece, “A Hanging.”

And when three come, me and Maud was on the Bar Y road where it goes acrosst that crick-bottom.

His daddy died; his mother lived on a little place in town, up-crick from the bridge.

Then he got indicted with others fer robbin' a little tannery that was operatin' down the crick.

They was a crick about a hundred yards from our house, in the woods, and I went over there and laid down and watched it run by.

They was a good-sized crick at the edge of that little place, and on it an old-fashioned worter mill.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


