

View definitions for courtship


noun as in dating, romance

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My first love went to art school, and early in our courtship he invited me to a student show of his photography.

From Vox

In this recording, a male superb lyrebird ends its complicated courtship song and dance with an uncanny imitation of a raucous mobbing flock.

I can still enjoy the romance, root for the protagonists, celebrate the courtships.

They would mount others and display courtship behaviors exactly like a male would.

As we read these letters, which cover the couple’s early courtship, from 1941 to 1945, we can look for clues as to what went wrong — though the details are notably one-sided.

Everyone showed lots of skin and courtship perfumed the air.

They married on December 19, 2013 after a romantic “Walt Disney” kind of courtship, they both said.

However, the Republican base will be far less forgiving of Paul for his criticism of police policy and his courtship of Sharpton.

One of the lefties she met was a sociology instructor named Philip Rieff, whom she married after a 10-day courtship.

What made for an intoxicating courtship, however, resulted in a troubled marriage.

There is no dramme of manhood to suspect,On such thin ayrie circumstance as thisMeere complement and courtship.

I was riding by the ranch of Mr. Blank, who had wooed and won our cook after a courtship that was as brief as it was fervid.

Well, being safe again, he was a devoted lover again, and he must get on with his courtship.

There was nothing romantic in the courtship, but at the same time it was far from commonplace.

The girl "falls in love" with some one, and the courtship begins.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


