cool hand
Example Sentences
Cool Hand Rick Rick Perry never worried about polls or anything else in the campaign except the tasks on his plate.
Cool Hand Barackby Brad Gooch There was no drama from Obama last night.
Just when I seemed even at the very point of death from horror, a cool hand pressed tenderly on my brow, and brought me peace.
A cool hand touched his chin, and he smelled a woman's perfume, nothing at all like Elaine's.
The practical side of his character, thus suddenly displayed, was like a cool hand laid upon her.
Her voice was like the soothing of a cool hand upon a tired brow.
It was a firm, cool hand, which left him a stronger and a saner man for its touch.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.