adjective as in deep in thought
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This year’s Broccoli City headliner is Lil Baby, the deft Georgia rapper who does his finest work in intimate chirps and contemplative squeaks.
Instead, the book is an unnerving, contemplative look at solitude and the connections we make with the outside world.
Stowaway pulls plenty of pages from the generic space-movie handbook, but it still builds a mood of dread and contemplative ennui, finding its resolution in a final, somber shot.
The reader gets to know this contemplative narrator through a series of vignettes that showcase her witty observational skills and Lahiri’s piercing prose.
One exterior path will mimic a mountain climb, while the other will provide access to more contemplative outdoor spaces, for reading, chilling or checking email.
But it was that period in her life, when her career was just taking shape, that produces her most contemplative answers.
I found their melancholy inviting and I appreciated their contemplative, lonely world.
Though the scene is spare, the effect is powerful: bright, solemn, contemplative.
Scott's film is less contemplative and more grounded than McCarthy's script, with most of the philosophical digressions excised.
But which I think has been slightly overstated – there's a contemplative upside to living in and among minimal sculptural forms.
Thereafter he went into a contemplative frame of mind to the docks, and found Sam Blake as usual in his bunk.
An upright, phlegmatic man who finally led the contemplative life of one of the ancient hermits.
It was Tanqueray who kept on looking at him with clear, contemplative eyes under brows no longer irritable.
He was merely a friend of her aunt's, and from that contemplative position he never stepped down.
The fish will regard with contemplative indifference every other lure but a close imitation of that particular insect.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.