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adjective as in refunding

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I really believe they need to feel the pain, and really compensate for the pain they put all of us through.

This weird November free agency may be slightly different — it probably will be overloaded with trades to compensate for the limited available star power — but there will be stunning moves just the same.

Irreverent humor helps compensate for the inherent morbidity.

You get louder, which means that in order to compensate, I have to get louder, which then makes you get louder.

The fertilized eggs, which became separate embryos, were then implanted into a female surrogate who was compensated for becoming pregnant and delivering the babies.

Budget hawks want compensating budget cuts to extend long-term unemployment benefits.

My sugar daddies were chivalrous and respectful, but when someone is compensating you for your time, a power dynamic emerges.

A portion of the proposed increase would thus be compensating for the continuing real decline in the minimum wage.

But that implies living next door to them - perhaps even compensating them for stolen property - which is plainly unthinkable.

Switching up sexual orientation is a cunning way of compensating for flagging sales and aging characters.

There are compensating circumstances which should alleviate our sorrow.

As a matter of fact, this battery stood out of reach of harm, with the compensating disadvantage of being able to inflict none.

She came down immediately and at my first look I felt a guilty feeling, yet one of some compensating happiness.

The compensating nozzle construction is not influenced as much by changes of altitude as the simpler nozzle types are.

The answer begins with a promise of deliverance from famine, and of fruitful seasons compensating for the ravages of the locusts.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


