
View definitions for qualifying


adjective as in extenuating

adjective as in parenthetical

adjective as in redeeming

noun as in preparing

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Weak match

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He then backpedals, qualifying his answer to make it seem less personal.

Qualifying, as an Iraq Biker has nothing to do with family background.

How will they find legal advice to help them untangle the legal nightmare of applying for and qualifying for asylum?

During the 2006 World Cup qualifying games, when Iran played Qatar, the whitescarved women descended on Azadi Stadium.

But lately, instead of simply qualifying their work, some models have taken to denying their profession altogether.

I am qualifying for the position of district leader hereabouts, although I'm not announcing it from the house-tops.

A common condition in more recent times qualifying the obligation of the buyer is that the goods shall be satisfactory to him.

An apprentice who is qualifying himself to operate an elevator is an employee within the Minnesota Act.

The girl promptly replied in the negative, qualifying it a moment afterward by a perplexed "Well, I shouldn't say so, sir."

Ut arbitror in the right margin seems exactly the thing that an author tucks in when revising and qualifying his work.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


