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noun as in opium

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Parker, who is 34, was transported to the hospital in an ambulance and was given a week’s worth of the opiate codeine as part of his treatment.

“Well, it’s codeine,” the doctor replied, according to Parker.

Some metabolize codeine quite poorly and have inadequate pain control as a result.

Codeine should not have been prescribed for these patients because its metabolism in children varies widely from person to person.

Hundreds of thousands of kids were given codeine during ER visits from 2001 to 2010, despite warnings of its danger.

Because of the wide variability in codeine metabolism, its use as a cough suppressant is not recommended.

“Junk,” we learn, refers to opium and its derivatives: morphine, heroin, pantopon, Dilaudid, codeine.

In 1832 Robiquet discovered codeine; and in 1833 atropine, aconitine, and hyoscyamine were distinguished by Geiger and Hesse.

Other salts of Codeine are not described because used substantially as the above.

Morphine is the chief active principle, and codeine and heroin are the chief derivatives of morphine.

Codeine is one eighth the strength of morphine; heroin is three times as strong as morphine.

Codeine is a mild hypnotic which may be used in doses about twice as large as those of morphine.


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