best part
noun as in bulk
noun as in centerpiece
Strongest matches
noun as in highlight
Strongest matches
Weak matches
noun as in majority
Strongest match
Strong matches
Example Sentences
I basically liked the two characters, so that was the best part of it for me.
The best part of having a drink is sharing the experience with friends, especially during festive occasions.
The power, timbre, and range of her voice made her performance the best part of the night.
The best part, says Ansel, is the “utterly addictive” whipped honey brown butter served in a dish alongside.
“The best part for me was just getting out of the city,” Shaquille recalls.
She had not lived with Hartledon the best part of a year without learning that Hedges was devoted heart and soul to his master.
In the best part of the town, they form a continuous line two miles in length.
As Chopin's remarks on him are the best part of his three Berlin letters, I shall quote them in full.
He thought himself a phœnix of grace and beauty, and passed the best part of the day in admiring himself in the brook.
The search for the snake was kept up the best part of an hour, but without success.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.