below ground
adjective as in hypogeal
adjective as in hypogean
adjective as in hypogeous
adjective as in subterranean
adjective as in underground
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Example Sentences
Within the layers of structures, both above and below ground, they had constructed churches, storehouses, homes, and passageways.
The only terrestrial lizard that is nocturnal is Coleonyx elegans elegans, which by day hides in the leaf litter or below ground.
But most of the bodies are below ground, and the last vestiges of their graves are lost in the depths of the jungle.
Of course our roads must be either above ground, on the ground level, or below ground.
“I am not much below ground, at all events,” he observed; and it set him thinking, always lifting up his heart in prayer to God.
It dug in below ground, and there spread out into rooms, eternally electric-lighted.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.