become insane
verb as in crack
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He went to Madam Dupin, and told her and everybody he met, that I had become insane.
From Project Gutenberg
In 1792 he assumed the reins of government in name of his mother Queen Mary I., who had become insane.
From Project Gutenberg
He was the father of the Duchesse de Lvis and the last of his name, having in 1842 lost his son who had become insane.
From Project Gutenberg
Many women would have given it up and would have fallen into a state of listless indifference; some would have become insane.
From Project Gutenberg
One of his fancies used to be that everybody else was insane, or just about to become insane.
From Project Gutenberg
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.