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Robbie Collin in the Telegraph newspaper pronounced it, “Not a film so much as two hours of lump-free, vaguely film-like audiovisual paste.”

The more your video looks like a true audiovisual version of what happened, the more useful it will be as evidence.

That’s probably one reason why the front-page-to-streaming pipeline has become so crowded—and why the interval between breaking news and in-depth audiovisual exploration shrank from years to months, if not weeks.

From Time

Integrated Systems Europe, an annual gathering of the audiovisual industry, is also planning to meet in Barcelona in June, and a seafood-industry summit is on the books.

So he reached out to me on the public channel where we talk about home audiovisual gear and I helped him get it set up correctly.

From Digiday

Yet when the new regulations for the UK Audiovisual Media Services 2014 were announced, jaws dropped.

"Look, Rovard," he told the audiovisual camera which was recording his reply to Grauffis.

Franz Veltrin was in evidence with his audiovisual recorder, and Colonel Zareff was leaning on his silver-headed sword cane.

And she has everything: all kinds of detection instruments, cameras, audiovisual pickups, armament.

And reporters, phoning stories in and getting audiovisual interviews of anybody who would hold still long enough.

Has anybody a portable audiovisual pickup that I can use to get some pictures in to my paper with?


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


