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Scientists find an increase in the overall numbers of arthropods in the Arctic, but a decline in diversity.

Nonlinear trends in abundance and diversity and complex responses to climate change in arctic arthropods.

There are more species of insects on land than all other arthropods combined, says Kip Will.

Unique features help scientists put arthropods into subgroups.

My colleagues and I conducted a visual survey of 50 North Carolina homes to inventory just which arthropods live under our roofs.

Audouin gave the detailed demonstration of this by his accurate and minute determination of the pieces of the arthropod skeleton.

Turn the Arthropod on its back and the relative positions of the systems of organs are the same as in the Vertebrate.

Instances are seen in the Tunicata, and in various parasitic arthropod forms, such as Lerna, etc.

Such an arrangement suggests that in the ancient arthropod type a double segmentation existed, viz.

These cavities both in the vertebrate and in the arthropod disappear before the adult condition is reached.


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