noun as in antitoxin
noun as in germ
Weak matches
noun as in serum
Strong matches
Weak matches
Example Sentences
It can be done via a vaccine or via prior illness that you develop the antibodies.
We want better treatments, yes, but we also want to have enough people with antibodies against the virus that it can’t easily jump across different populations.
Called nanobodies, these proteins help fight off invaders in the body, but are smaller and thought to be hardier than their human antibody kin.
The idea is that a small enough dose of the virus will prevent the person from getting severely ill but will be enough that their immune system’s develop antibodies for future protection.
If plasma wasn’t tested for antibody levels, well—it was probably better than nothing.
Most people—at least 95 percent of adults—have pre-existing antibody to measles.
In general, a person who has had an infection maintains detectable antibody against that infection for life.
She, unlike the other millions, has no detectable antibody to HIV.
For example, though I had chicken pox decades ago, I still have antibody to chicken pox.
But in health, people with HIV always maintain readily detectable antibody.
I should say the antibody titer has reached the danger point.
If this is a virus infection, we might only need to find an antibody for inoculation to stop it in its tracks.
Controls were needed, to be certain that the antibody suspension alone was bringing about the changes seen and not something else.
Back aboard the ship they started preparing a larger quantity of the antibody suspension.
Preliminary skin-tests of the antibody suspension showed no sign of untoward reaction.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.