advise against
verb as in dissuade
Example Sentences
If Vogue told you to jump off of a bridge, we would advise against it.
And next time, Mr. Clutterbuck might want to advise against providing your mentee—of either gender—access to classified documents.
Besides, there should be no especial danger, if there was I'd advise against having anything to do with it.
But as often as he called a council of war to consider the matter, so often did his generals advise against the attempt.
One place is as cheap as the other, Mr. Threthaway; but if it's my opinion you want, I advise against stopping at Batavia.
Those who are wisest about successful marriages advise against long engagements.
I shall advise against, and do everything in my power to prevent, Blanche's getting a divorce!
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.