adjective as in acquiescent
Example Sentences
The liberals have allowed that belief to emerge by acquiescing in conservative inconsistency.
By acquiescing to the formation of a new state, Telangana, India is setting a dangerous precedent of ethnic division.
By acquiescing, the Supreme Court made it look like they were in the tank for Bush.
But acquiescing to that pessimism means acquiescing to new spasms of terrible violence.
But acquiescing to talks without a settlement freeze would be a major backtrack for Abbas and probably hurt his public standing.
It is not simply acquiescing in that Covenant in the heart, but signifying that acquiescence in a positive service.
Angels in light, acquiescing in God's law, were at least virtually in covenant with him.
All the parties immediately concerned were apparently so desperately acquiescing in his suit, that he soon grew uneasy.
And George was called in to settle the controversy, both parties acquiescing in his decision.
Let us prove the truth of our profession by at least not acquiescing, without resistance, in such assailments.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.