noun as in academia
Weak match
Example Sentences
The real low blow is in the official communiqué in which the Swedish academicians justify their choice.
Let us rejoice that Swedish academicians, rather better inspired than they have been these last 15 years, have crowned this man.
Tuchman was often criticized by academicians for being a self-taught historian with only a BA.
He soon became master of the doctrines of Plato, and distinguished himself among the other academicians.
He was opposed by many of the academicians, and bitterly attacked by Peter Pindar.
Whistler's was a three-storey house, with a garden in front, humble compared with the palaces Academicians were building.
Similar threats have been heard in recent years, and the rejected work has stayed out, and the Academicians have stayed in.
Carmina opened the catalogue at the first page, and discovered a list of Royal Academicians.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.