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inquisitive is a synonym of curious

adjective [ in-kwiz-i-tiv ]

inquisitive is another word for curious

Someone who is inquisitive asks a lot of questions. An inquisitive nature in many cases reflects intellectual curiosity—a generally desirable trait! However, inquisitive is sometimes used to suggest a degree of intrusiveness and inappropriateness. That said, be careful not to confuse inquisitive with inquisitorial, which, in pointing to inquisitions and inquisitors, calls to mind excessive cruelty.

Commonly found as

inquisitive mind
The young lab assistant had a lot of energy and an inquisitive mind; she was ready to tackle any new experiment.
naturally inquisitive
Children are naturally inquisitive, constantly asking about things in their environment.

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laud is a synonym of praise

verb [ lawd ]

laud is another word for praise

The verb laud is a more celebratory way to say praise. If you laud the accomplishments, efforts, or achievements of another person, then you’re singing their praises. While we don’t mean singing literally (though who doesn’t love an impromptu serenade?), the suggestion of song is rooted in the history of this word: in its earliest uses, the verb laud suggested an act of worship, as the singing of a hymn, and a laud (noun) is a song or hymn of praise.

Commonly found as

laud + effort
The town council lauded the efforts of local businesses who had given back to the community.
critically lauded
The actress was most remembered for her starring role in one of the most critically lauded series of all time.

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spectacle is a synonym of show

noun [ spek-tuh-kuhl ]

spectacle is another word for show

A spectacle is an elaborate or impressive show or display, such as the opening ceremonies of the Olympics. The term can also refer, more generally, to a visually striking scene, such as a starry sky on a cloudless night. The key idea behind the word spectacle is that of being seen, which doesn’t always work to one’s favor! Indeed, a show or display that is remarkable for all the wrong reasons might be called a spectacle. Additionally, to make a spectacle of oneself is to behave foolishly or badly in public.

Commonly found as

witness + spectacle
About fifty people had woken up early to witness the rare spectacle of a thousand sandpipers taking flight at the local beach.
bizarre spectacle
The event devolved into a bizarre spectacle the likes of which had not been seen before.

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