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frond is a synonym of leaf

noun [ frond ]

frond is another word for leaf

We’re pretty sure you know what a leaf is—but do you know how a leaf differs from a frond? Leaf is a general term for a wide variety of expanded, usually green organs born by the stem of a plant. The more specific noun frond is a term for a large, finely divided leaf. Most commonly, frond is used to refer to the leaves of ferns or certain palms. Other useful, nontechnical words we use to differentiate leaves include needle (as of a pine), leaflet (a small or young leaf), and blade (the leaf of a plant, especially of a grass or cereal). Something that bears fronds or that resembles a frond can be described as frondose.

Commonly found as

frond + wave
The giant palm fronds waved gently in the tropical breeze.
green fronds
The forest floor was lush with vibrant green fern fronds unfurled in every direction.

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exodus is a synonym of departure

noun [ ek-suh-duhs ]

exodus is another word for departure

The noun departure is a general term used to refer to an act or instance of going away or leaving (the time of departure; a hasty departure). It can also refer to a divergence or deviation, as from a standard or rule (a departure from accepted teaching methods). The noun exodus deals with the act of leaving on a larger scale, more specifically to a departure or emigration, usually of a large number of people: June marked the beginning of the annual summer exodus to the country and shore. When treated as a proper noun, Exodus refers to the departure of the Israelites from Egypt under Moses, or to the second book of the Bible, containing an account of the Exodus.

Commonly found as

mass exodus
Widespread adoption of remote-friendly work policies fueled speculation that there would be a mass exodus from cities.
exodus + refugees
The wave of violence in the region prompted an exodus of refugees.

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chuckle is a synonym of laugh

verb [ chuhk-uhl ]

chuckle is another word for laugh

A person can laugh, that is, audibly express mirth or amusement, in many different ways. On the unrestrained side of the spectrum, one might guffaw, laughing loudly and boisterously. On the more subdued side, one might chuckle. The verb chuckle is defined as “to laugh softly or amusedly, usually with satisfaction.” It is also used to talk about laughing inwardly or to oneself—the way you might when reading (depending on the material!). To chuckle gleefully is to chortle, itself a portmanteau blending the words snort and chuckle.

Commonly found as

chuckle softly
The friends chuckled softly at the tiny dog who was strutting around the park like he owned it.
chuckle to oneself
He chuckled to himself as she grilled him about her birthday present. It was clear she had no idea what was in store!

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