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falsehood is a synonym of lie

noun [ fawls-hood ]

falsehood is another word for lie

✅ A falsehood is a statement that distorts the truth in order to mislead or deceive (complete falsehood; obvious falsehood).

Lie can refer to something told intentionally for vicious or cruel reasons (blatant lie; outrageous lie). But lie can also be used with qualifiers when that’s not the case (little lie; comforting lie).

Falsehood is a more formal, slightly antiquated word, and therefore less frequent than lie. It’s often used in religious or literary contexts (I will oppose such a glaring falsehood!).

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grateful is a synonym of thankful

adjective [ greyt-fuhl ]

grateful is another word for thankful

✅ Use thankful and grateful when you want to show appreciation for something you’ve received (I was thankful for the gift; I was grateful for the opportunity).

✅ You can be grateful and thankful for the same things. The difference is primarily in how you express your feelings: the meaning of thankful refers to explicitly giving thanks, but grateful is more likely to refer to a warm or deep appreciation that may be expressed in all kinds of ways.

Thankful can also suggest giving thanks to a higher power, and suggests that you feel saved from bad circumstances (thankful for being spared; thankful for my blessings).

Find some new ways to express how grateful you are with these synonyms!

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people is a synonym of nation

noun [ pee-puhl ]

people is another word for nation

People refers to a body of individuals who are brought together by the same ideals, culture, or language (the British people).

Nation refers to a body of individuals, either current or historical, who live or lived together under one system of government. This can be, but isn’t always, the same thing as a country (the Dene Nation).

✅ While nation and people can be used interchangeably, nation puts the emphasis on the idea of a common system of government or a single political entity (European nations).

✅ It’s best to use nation to describe a group of people who have, had, or want a shared government. Individuals in a nation, however, might be part of different peoples.

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