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compelling is a synonym of interesting

adjective [ kuh m-pel-ing ]

compelling is another word for interesting

Interesting is one of those familiar adjectives that we reach for so often, it verges on filler. Compelling is a more intense form of interesting that can bring your meaning into focus. When something is compelling, in the sense of having a powerful and irresistible effect, it commands our attention. The adjective comes from the verb compel, which means "to force or drive, especially to a course of action." Compelling cases or compelling arguments force us to consider them. Art can be visually compelling, drawing us in and capturing our attention. Similarly, good books are often described as compelling if we cannot put them down.

Commonly found as

compelling story, compelling reason
Her triumph over the adversity of growing up in an underprivileged neighborhood was an incredibly compelling story.
clear and compelling
The prosecutor presented the case in a clear and compelling manner.

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incessant is a synonym of nonstop

adjective [ in-ses-uhnt ]

incessant is another word for nonstop

Something that is incessant continues without interruption—and is more often than not a source of irritation! Incessant chatter near your workstation might disrupt your concentration; incessant whining in any circumstance might deplete your patience; and incessant demands, as from a boss or from any other source, might make you feel exhausted or taken for granted (or both!). When not used to describe undesirable situations such as these, you may find incessant used in a more neutral sense to describe continuous and unrelenting rainfall, or other weather events that carry on seemingly to no end.

Commonly found as

incessant demands
The coach's incessant demands were becoming too much for the star player to take.
loud and incessant
She knew she wasn't going to get any work done amid the loud and incessant barking from the dog next door.

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brainchild is a synonym of creation

noun [ breyn-chahyld ]

brainchild is another word for creation

The noun brainchild is used to refer to a product of one’s creative work or thought (the child of one’s brain, of course!). This heady compound is used of events, campaigns, companies, or elaborate projects—or the animating idea behind them. Use of this term usually connotes a degree of admiration for something truly original, and is almost always used in the context of giving credit or attributing success to a certain creative individual. So where there is a brainchild, there is usually a "brain parent" mentioned nearby.

Commonly found as

brainchild of
The innovative app was the brainchild of a former mechanic.
project + brainchild
The project was the brainchild of a well-respected adjunct faculty member who saw the need for more dialogue on implicit bias in academia.

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