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adjective [ kon-si-kwen-shuh l ]

consequential is another word for significant

To call something consequential is to say that it's significant or important, with special attention to the consequences, or effects and outcomes, it brings. The primary meaning of consequential is "following as an effect, result, or outcome." The term ultimately comes from the Latin verb sequī meaning "to follow," which is also the source of the word sequence. A consequential decision is one that will significantly shape what follows. An event that is politically consequential is one that might alter the course of politics in some significant way, and something that proves consequential is revealed over time to have been an important or determining factor in the course of events.

Commonly found as

consequential decision
The most consequential decision of her life was to move to New York, where career opportunities were abundant and she met lifelong friends.
prove consequential
The flight delay would prove highly consequential to his future because he would not arrive to the job interview on time.

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bolster is a synonym of help

verb [ bohl-ster ]

bolster is another word for help

Help comes in many different forms. To bolster something is "to add to, support, or uphold" that thing. The verb comes from the noun bolster, a cushion or pillow. The idea of cushioning, propping up, or giving a boost is central to the verb. However, while this noun bolster is most likely to prop up a person, the verb bolster is more commonly found in discussion of concepts and ideas. For example, you might bolster a case or an argument, or bolster a friend's confidence. Similarly, internet companies will seek to bolster their traffic, and government agencies strive to bolster the economy.

Commonly found as

bolster the case
The prosecutor sought to bolster the case by bringing in DNA evidence that clearly linked the defendant to the scene of the crime.
seek to bolster, aim to bolster
The military general aimed to bolster the ranks by enlisting soldiers who were older than had been allowed before.

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devise is a synonym of create

verb [ dih-vahyz ]

devise is another word for create

The verb create, at its most general, means to bring something into being. To devise something is to plan it or think it up. The main action of devise occurs in the mind. An economist may devise a plan or a strategy, for instance, with the goal of creating jobs or wealth. In some older uses, devise carried nefarious and deceptive undertones, as in "The conspirators devised the downfall of the ruler." Nowadays, devise is more neutral, though it may still have a plot or two up its sleeve.

Commonly found as

devise a strategy
The CEO carefully devised a strategy to sustain their operations through the new year.
devise and implement
The governor devised and implemented an ingenious plan that would provide all the necessary equipment to the service workers.

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