

View definitions for wondrously


adverb as in marvelously

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You don't have the Zen-like solace of long walks from area to area or the feeling of being awestruck by wondrous environs.

It felt wondrous that our muscles could keep carrying us forward, even when taking the next step felt like an impossibility.

Here are five wondrously accomplished new collections to read during National Short Story Month.

It was all unreal, as unreal as the baseless fabric of a dream; and yet it was real, wondrously real.

This property, so badly acquired, became wondrously profitable to the Negrepelisses-d'Espards.

She could have fallen into the arms of this wondrously beautiful fairy princess, expecting to be carried away by her to Dreamland.

Wondrously effectual was the healing touch he inherited from his fair young mother and brought to light in future years.

He was feeling wondrously well; almost, but for his ever-present sensation of weakness, quite well.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


