Example Sentences
You can find an array of cheap, heavy-bottomed stainless-steel cookware, carbon-steel pans and woks for all of your high-heat cooking needs and affordable-yet-egg-cooking-worthy nonstick pans.
He even fries the Logan’s brand breakfast sage sausage in a wok to add an element of crustiness to the pork.
Preheat your wok, add about 1 tablespoon of peanut or vegetable oil and swirl it around the pan.
The way to achieve this is to heat up your wok over high heat.
Ko and Hu used a computer to simulate the trajectories of rice that would occur in a wok moved in various ways.
Once the can was smuggled back to my cell, it became my wok and the stir fry was on.
Chicken is diced into square inches, marinated, and deep-fried in a wok, followed by a quick toss in brown sauce.
And third, the baskets make it a hell of a lot easier to place and remove the food than even the nicest wok skimmer.
A stir-fry pan is a better compromise--like the illegitimate but much-loved child of a saucepan and a wok.
Braising, steaming, wok stirring—these are healthy ways to cook.
Go wok fer some o dese hyer strange folks what aint keer a cent fo me, an aint know who I is?
Cose I knows yo cyant do nuffin much; yos only a lil boy, an der cyant no boy do a mans wok.
Winona, would you kindly lay away that piece of literatuah and wok the Gabriel hon?
But yer couldn't myke Muvver see vat—not if yer talked to 'er for a wok.
Ahs in de infantry, but when we get t France Ahse done asked de captain to put me on dat night-raid wok.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.