adjective as in breathing
Strongest match
adjective as in breathless
Example Sentences
He makes his way, step by agonizing step, his face red and wheezing, his eyes straight ahead.
Other than the occasional wheezing, Hudson was a relatively healthy 20-year-old kid trying to make it in the music business.
Albuterol inhalers come mass-produced from a factory, and yet asthmatics still prefer them to wheezing uncontrollably.
For the next two years she was in-and-out of the hospital monthly for wheezing and shortness-of-breath—until I took over her care.
Then I put her on a diet to heal her “leaky gut”—and she stopped wheezing completely.
The boy at the bellows has already pumped the wind-chest full, and there is a wheezing sound of escaping air.
Freckles lay whiter than the coverlet, his staring eyes on the ceiling and his breath wheezing between dry lips.
When there is a strong current of breath, and the opening is very narrow, we call it "wheezing."
His attention was attracted by the loud wheezing that accompanied each blow that the whale made when he came up for air.
"Bless your good 'art, my dear," the globular lady was wheezing into the ear of the mock bride.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.