went over
verb as in review
verb as in succeed
Example Sentences
He went over to his wife, and she pointed to a piece of metal that lay atop some storm-tossed debris.
She went over to his flat with Merlin, their dog, and she discovered the body.
We went over to the Riviera coffee shop and talked with Gene Kilroy.
Then they filled in some details, and the Congressional Budget Office went over it.
The cop, Makinen, removed their handcuffs and Estevez went over to her mother and fell into her lap, crying.
The children possessed themselves of the tent, and Mrs. Pontellier went over to join them.
Robert went over and seated himself on the broad sill of one of the dormer windows.
During the night the whole regiment went over to the rebels with their rifles and accoutrements.
Aunt Susan, who went over this year, says the traveling there is just as rough as it was before the war.
Sir Richard Lundy went over to Percy, 'saying that he would no longer war in company with men in discord and at variance.'
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.