

View definitions for went along

went along

verb as in agree, cooperate

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They were making it up as they went along, and creating a new kind of warfare.

If it made us laugh it got into the show, so we had so much control and made up the rules as we went along.

Mitchum went along with the lawyer, only to receive a counteroffer from the judge—180 days in the slammer.

Today, Merkt says that he just “went along” with Christie on the issue.

“It just built and built from there, and got more fascinating as we went along,” Warmuth told me.

I turned right into a narrow street, went along it about fifty yards, and paused where it was crossed by a still narrower alley.

Two companies deployed over a swamp and went along the beach under cover of the Utah Battery.

On pleasant days they walked with their mamma for miles over the green prairies, plucking wild-flowers as they went along.

Louis the Goon went along, looking neither to right nor left, docilely intent on minding his own business.

Swiftly as possible she went along the tunnel and after several minutes stumbled against the steps leading up to the door.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


