

View definitions for war games

war games

noun as in maneuver

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“War games shortly before the election,” said a headline in the Taraf daily on Monday.

Marshall also worked closely on developing war games with China and exploring new concepts for Air/Sea battles.

It is mostly this same cohort - 18 to 24 year olds - who buy and play war games.

At a time of record American deficits, the Navy is spending billions of dollars on “war games” with Asian allies ringing China.

"I want one or two good War Games," I said to the attendant at the toymonger's.

Dizzily Simon remembered tug-of-war games when he had been a page at the royal palace.

She had owned enough wooden soldiers to make a regiment and was never at a loss to invent war games in which they figured.

In their war games and dances they always appear with this lance and shield.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


