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noun as in clarity

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His next vivid memory came in the operating room, when Hayes overheard a doctor wondering aloud how the coach remained conscious through the day.

The battles have taken us on vivid trips down memory lane, as stars reemerge to put up 20 songs against another artist while fans from all over the world rock out and choose a winner.

King Von was a respected storyteller, known for painting vivid pictures of his native Chicago.

By probing the average experience of many tunneling particles, the researchers are painting a more vivid picture of what goes on “inside the mountain” than the pioneers of quantum mechanics ever expected a century ago.

Soon after Reinoehl’s death, eyewitnesses gave vivid yet wildly varying accounts of the shooting.

Yet the president uses it for rhetorical vividness—a clarity, as it were.

Whitehead, again true to the genre, relishes gore and describes it with gruesome vividness.

It is surprising to find one piece so moving, so well written, and with such vividness.

The palimpsest of memory recalled with intensest vividness the Christian teachings of his childhood.

Then the vividness of the girl's beauty had slowly worked upon him, rendering his speechlessness absolute.

We require life in history, and it is for their vividness that the writings of Livy and Tacitus will be perpetuated.

Careful attention should be paid to choice of words, for on right words depends in a large degree the vividness of a description.

The short, nervous sentences 205 express both the vividness of his impressions and the intensity of his emotions.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


