

View definitions for very large

very large

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He notes that on Naxos sheep have very large gallbladders, but on Euboea they do not.

There was one very large and easily identifiable piece of debris floating, the vertical stabilizer.

According to Turner, there is a very large community that is always growing.

The process is extremely complex and needs total commitment of a very large team.

I don't know how big that will be, but it might be 25-30 miles on a side, it might be a very large piece of ocean.

In acute and chronic parenchymatous nephritis the quantity is usually very large.

Sanson's Atlas: a very large atlas by a French geographer in use in Swift's time.

They all wore very large linen collars and black cravats, which gave them a very serious appearance.

They soon reached the house, which seemed very large beside Alila's little cabin.

A very large trade is now done in steel, brass, gold, and silver.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


